ATTN Partners with Huobi Pool again after first cooperation announced 5 months ago

ATTN Community
Jan 29, 2021


Huobi Pool and ATTN reach cooperation again, HPT joins Antasy Marketplace

Huobi Pool has reached cooperation with ATTN to add HPT to the Antasy Mall. HPT has now become the blind box opening key and will be followed by HPT exclusive puzzles, HPT limited edition NFT, etc. In August 2020, Huobi Pool has become an ATTN verified node.

ATTN is a blockchain technology-based game digital ecological platform with a variety of independently designed popular NFT games. Antasy is a cross-chain compatible decentralized NFT smart contract platform under ATTN, which has already launched blind box game, puzzle, NFT auction, NFT card game. Later Antasy will gradually develope other functions such as DEX, DeFi and NFT staking and mining in the future.



ATTN Community

ATTN is a digital egaming ecological platform based on blockchain technology, and the ultimate system in eSports industry.