NFT explosion: Antasy — ATTN

ATTN Community
12 min readMar 11, 2021


Recently, NFT has a big momentum out of the circle, first ‘Trump Fell’ series of NFT to $6.6 million price was sold, after the singer Grimes sold $5.8 million worth of NFT series of art. The huge transaction price makes many people wonder, these artworks are worth so much money?

NFT trading platform Opensea in February hit more than 90 million dollars in trading volume, compared to January 8 million dollars soared 10 times, some rare NFT assets even hit a single day 30 times the rate of increase, the degree of fire can be seen.

The hot NFT market has also achieved the rise of NFT concept coins, such as ENJ, RARI, NFTX, CHZ have all seen different degrees of surge.

The NFT market seems to have taken a turn, with CryptoKitties shining in the bull market of 2017, becoming the first pop-up dApp to cripple the public chain.

Five years later, Antasy, which has developed dozens of breakout NFT games since, has become the leader in the NFT circuit, with the momentum of CryptoKitties being unmatched back then.

The bull market effect around January brought a wave of new blood to the whole cryptocurrency market, in addition to the outbreak of profiteering after the NFT market had gained momentum, which attracted a large wave of investors to enter, and the resulting effect was that the NFT story was no longer as “poor” as before, and most of the initial talk about the value of NFT revolved around the benchmark project, but now NFT is no longer a one-project orgy. With more and more new records being set and shared, Antasy is one of them.

Recently, with the smooth advancement of the game, crypto artwork, and the NFT circulation market, Antasy’s highly expansive decentralized platform business model is advancing relatively smoothly overall, and the future has become clearer and clearer. Many investors around us see the ATTN pass as a very rare opportunity to take a heavy position in the layout.

In the end, cryptocurrency projects are a competition for capital. For ordinary people, opportunities will only arise in the earliest stage, and only when large funds do not enter the market in bulk.

The NFT + DeFi double linkage and liquidity mining will soon begin, and a new group of coin ring nobles will likely be born on Antasy.

Considering the length of the article, the following article will not elaborate on the whole NFT industry and its value, but will directly focus on the Antasy platform itself and the ATTN pass value capture behind it, deconstructing the coin price rise and appreciation logic that we are most concerned about.


Antasy has come prepared

Antasy is the first cross-chain compatible decentralized NFT smart contract platform (hereinafter referred to as Antasy) that meets the needs of users to create, deploy, trade and manage NFT assets; provides third-party developer tools to support the creation of multiplayer, independent creators on-chain games, and is committed to building the world’s largest NFT circulation ecology; compared to existing NFT asset solutions, Antasy is more comprehensive, faster, and cost-effective. Antasy is more comprehensive, fast, cost-effective, secure and easy to use, and enhances scalability, bringing asset composability and enabling the possibility of cross-chain applications for NFT assets.

NFT linked DeFi business and liquidity mining features will be opened in the near future.

At present, Antasy has officially cross-chain hit the current best growing momentum of Ether ETH, Firecoin eco-chain Heco, Coinan smart chain BSC, and access to the most mainstream blockchain prophecy machine Chainlink and Polkadot parallel chain slots in the market.

Antasy, formerly known as ATTN Mall, serves as the traffic portal, circulation market, developer platform and cross-chain aggregation bridge of ATTN ecology, and has precipitated a large number of high-value (game rarities, limited edition peripherals, artworks, trendy games, etc.) IP digital assets, and was officially named Antasy at the end of last year.

ATTN is a blockchain technology-based gaming digital ecological platform with a variety of self-designed popular NFT games such as “Cyber Mafia” (End of the Road Paradise), which is a system that integrates all business activities in the e-sports industry. ATTN passes are the general equivalents of the entire ecological network, and can be used in various businesses in the ecology to realize the NFT of games, gaming assets, crypto art and other non-homogenized assets. The ATTN pass is also the only value-capturing native pass of Antasy, which realizes the settlement and positive governance of the platform.

Based on the project’s decades of accumulated resources in the gaming field, the ATTN network completed the migration of player pools, CP (game developer) pools, traffic pools, and anchor pools onto the chain at the very beginning of its release, and Antasy directly benefited from it, becoming the killer decentralized application for ATTN implementation. It is due to the scale effect of ATTN’s 10 million active users that many people believe Antasy is likely to become a giant project in the NFT field.


A global NFT game and crypto artwork platform

If CryptoKitties is a fun game, then what Antasy brings to all NFT crypto players is a whole playground.

At the end of last year, Bubble Mart (POP MART) was officially listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with an issue price of HK$38.5, raising over HK$50.25, since then, Bubble Mart has become the first stock of blind boxes.

Behind the beautiful report card, is the success of Bubble Mart to bring “addictive” economy. The “sense of surprise” at the moment of opening the box and the “sense of achievement” of collecting the hidden models are the winning formula of the Molly dolls in the blind box.

It is no coincidence that the trend of playing with blind boxes, represented by Bubble Mart, has also blown to the crypto community. In January and February of this year, Antasy launched a number of trendy puzzle blind boxes and artist co-branded puzzle blind boxes, and with the bombardment of many creative ways to play, Antasy suddenly became popular in the NFT circuit.

The hottest trendy puzzles on Antasy currently use the first-come, first-served (FCFS) system, which is a lottery-like system that supports users to draw random pieces of NFT puzzles and complete them to get substantial bonuses.

From the experience point of view, the blind box of the puzzle is highly playable, and the “sense of surprise” of opening the box and the “sense of achievement” of collecting the hidden pieces gives players instant satisfaction. This brings both material and spiritual stimulation to the participants, which makes players rushing to the game and directly pushes the market discussion to the peak.

In less than 24 hours after the game was launched, the number of on-chain puzzle piece draws and single-day on-chain transactions exceeded 10,000, and the number of on-chain smart contract automatic prize redemptions exceeded 1,000, which was once called the “Bubble Mart” in the NFT field by the market and public opinion. It was once called “Bubble Mart” in NFT by the market and public opinion. In addition, according to the official news, Antasy self-researched 10 new NFT games will also be launched this year one after another.

What’s more advanced is that, unlike the physical blind box game represented by Bubble Mart, Antasy’s NFT blind box game is completely decentralized, unique, indivisible and the total amount and the number of hidden models are written dead by code, which determines the scarcity property of its assets, and the rules are open, transparent and accessible at any time.

In addition to the game, the NFT exclusive crypto digital painting “Ginny”, jointly launched with conceptual artist EvanLee under the promotion of ATTN, will also be launched on the Antasy circulation market soon.

EvanLee is a famous freelance illustrator and concept artist, who has published the first Chinese 3D stereoscopic visual illustration book and has been invited to many international group exhibitions and solo exhibitions, one of the theme illustrators of 2012 Angoulême International Comic Con in France, a regular invited artist of ASIAGRAPH Art show in Japan, and a member of Craft and Folk Art Museum in the United States. He was one of the artists invited to the ASIAGRAPH art show in Japan, and a co-exhibitor of “The Fool’s Journey” at the Craft and Folk Art Museum in the United States.

Prior to the collaboration with EvanLee, last year Antasy featured the encrypted paintings of Clogtwo, a Singaporean graffiti artist and visual engineer, who incorporated his works with graffiti and oil painting styles, intricate mechanical designs and components, and intricate details to create a three-dimensional effect that appears to be made of thousands of small metal fragments. Several of these works have been sold for high prices in Antasy’s circulation market.

In fact, because of the art and collectibles involved, the pricing is off the charts and the potential upside could be significant.

As an example of the investment experience of NFT collector WhaleShark, on January 23rd, WhaleShark tweeted the total valuation of his NBA Top Shot (mobile card game) account assets, which were then valued at $10.9 million.

Within 48 hours, WhaleShark’s account value had risen 45% on the back of a market explosion, earning him $5 million.

As you can see, these seemingly staggering gains are just a small footnote on the road ahead for NFT. The future holds many more possibilities.

Therefore, the integration of conceptual art, game cards, gaming assets, hipster blind boxes and blockchain smart contracts has been a key direction for ATTN to expand, and through Antasy’s continuous exploration, it has accumulated experience and achieved several milestones in NFT assets, artist collaboration, auctions, and technical underpinning.

Further, what Antasy is actively promoting is a global NFT game and crypto art platform. In terms of traffic acquisition, ATTN’s user base has built a strong competitive barrier for it. What is more crucial is to attract incremental users through self-developed and highly playable NFT games, strengthen user stickiness, decentralize and gain trust, and then start the first NFT asset trading in life at Antasy, laying the foundation for the platform to build the most large-scale NFT circulation market.


The largest NFT liquidity market

Antasy is built on the ATTN network, which is the underlying public chain vertically involved in the digital gaming ecosystem, and has the advantages of faster speed, lower cost, and full compatibility with EVM compared to other public chains for building NFT platforms or trading markets.

Antasy circulation market supports ERC20, 721 and 1155 asset protocols, uses StarkExchange transaction engine, architects Ethernet Layer 2 asset circulation module, meets users’ needs related to NFT circulation such as buying, selling and auctioning, and can carry NFT scale transactions to avoid embarrassment of network congestion and high transaction costs.

Positioned at ebay in the NFT market, Antasy has now opened PC terminal, WEB terminal and especially the independently developed mobile terminal to optimize the experience, putting the service platform into your pocket, participating in NFT mini-games and asset management circulation anytime and anywhere.

In addition to ATTN basic underlying support, the Antasy team believes that the introduction of Oracle (prophecy machine), VRF solutions, and cross-chain is imperative in order to achieve the goal of the most scaled NFT circulation market.

It is reported that Antasy has officially cross-chain hit the current momentum of the best development of Ether ETH, Firecoin eco-chain Heco, Coinan smart chain BSC, and access to the market’s most mainstream blockchain prophecy machine Chainlink and Polkadot parallel chain slot.


Antasy uses Chainlink’s Oracle and VRF solutions to enable smart contracts to securely access off-chain data sources and obtain verifiable random numbers to enable interaction with off-chain back-end systems for dynamic NFTs.

Specifically: NFTs can securely access IoT data, web APIs, and various data providers, and also use Chainlink VRF to obtain verifiable random numbers, interact with off-chain back-end systems, and even trigger information physical systems. All of these features can be used to create NFTs, conduct P2P transactions and view status.

In addition, decentralized feeds powered by Chainlink can provide Antasy’s smart contracts with highly accurate, available and tamper-proof price data, and can connect to all on and off-chain quality data sources. and services.


Both homogeneous blockchains built on Substrate and heterogeneous blockchains like Bitcoin, Ether, and EOS are independent blockchains that are “islands”. Antasy can interact with Polkadot relay chains and other parallel chains connected to Polkadot, thus generating more overlapping services and improving its scalability, while enjoying the security provided by relay chains.


Antasy connects with Ether ETH, Firecoin Ecosystem Chain Heco and Coin Smart Chain BSC, so users can transfer crypto assets from the three platforms to Antasy and trade them.

Take the example of Huobi ECO chain Heco.

Users can transfer Huobi ECO chain registered ERC20/ETH, BEP20/BNB, NULS/NRC20 and NULS parallel chain assets across chains to Heco, using Antasy on the Heco chain; the Antasy network will first issue a multi-signature smart contract on the Heco network, which is used to keep Heco chain assets. When an asset crosses the chain into the Antasy network, the actual asset is locked in this multi-signature contract. To access the assets in the multi-signature contract, the signature of a consensus node in the Antasy network is required, thus ensuring decentralized and secure asset management. When the assets are transferred from the Antasy ecology back to the Heco network, Antasy’s consensus will require all consensus nodes to sign and unlock the assets in the contract to the target address, completing the homecoming operation of the assets.

To sum up, Antasy’s business function logic is simpler and more secure, and it can be low-cost and high-efficiency. Whether the NFT assets are on ETH, Heco, BSC, or Chainlink and Polkadot, the platform is able to realize the transfer of NFT assets to other networks in a decentralized way. The market is undoubtedly looking forward to Antasy’s deep cooperation with the four popular public chains and their on-chain ecological projects.


The bull market belonging to ATTN passwords has begun

Blockchain technology has long been regarded as the cornerstone of the value Internet, and has played a role in electronic invoicing, Internet of Things, smart manufacturing and supply chain management, but the development of the technology takes time, and there is still a distance from the ideal blockchain technology to achieve results.

The success of NFT is the “inside” of the development of blockchain technology, so that the appearance of prosperous blockchain has more support inside.

We need to open up the understanding and imagination of NFT.

The scope of application of NFT is very large, and it is probably the second largest application scenario of blockchain outside of finance.

In the real world, only money and some other commodities are homogeneous, other than that most other assets are non-homogeneous, whether we talk about games, e-sports assets, artwork, or real estate… They are all unique, separate and private to their owners.

Therefore, their value and trading market cannot be expressed in simple homogenized tokens, and non-homogenized tokens, or NFTs, will be indispensable for the crypto world to enter the real world.

In addition, identity authentication, e-deposit, digital collectibles, physical assets, e-tickets & coupons, etc. are also application scenarios that Antasy will develop one after another later. The booming NFT market gives ATTN passwords a multi-billion dollar market imagination.

The ATTN pass through the NFT smart contract platform Antasy to pry the whole game, e-sports, crypto artwork and DeFi track has recently been launched on many head exchanges at the same time. This is a very exciting thing, and in the foreseeable future, we will see billions of eSports fans, gamers, and art collectors around the world flocking to Antasy.

What is more convincing about the potential of ATTN pass ups is that in terms of expanding the ecological boundaries, Antasy is able to link up with multiple segments of ATTN’s PVP gaming platform, guild platform, live streaming platform, gaming anti-addiction platform, distribution platform, trusted gaming digital asset trading platform, and sub-genre pocket: on the one hand, it is an open growth model that creates a synergy to solidify and enhance On the other hand, ATTN passes can penetrate into all aspects of Antasy, such as NFT asset issuance, circulation, pledge, mining, interest generation, and a series of DeFi products, which are in great demand and consumption. This sustainable and profitable positive cycle can quickly drive tokens up and open the door for ordinary players to “strike gold” instead of playing a zero-sum game.

At that point, ATTN pass-throughs are bound to be bullish in the NFT and the broader crypto economy.



ATTN Community

ATTN is a digital egaming ecological platform based on blockchain technology, and the ultimate system in eSports industry.